Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Weird Things That Happened After My Engagement

1. My body was shaking for an entire day and I felt compelled to call people whose calls I usually ignore. I even called my grandmother. She promised to spread the word to my mother's siblings, and after one call, forgot, apparently, since 5 out of 6 never heard the news.

1a. I bought a pile of wedding magazines and oohed and aahed over them for a good 75 minutes. Then I got bored. I think they'll be more useful after I square away the ceremony and reception locations.

2. Going to weddings became more like work, in the stay-sober-enough-to-remember-the-details kind of way. Where, when, what kind of food? How long does the open bar stay open and can you get any kind of liquor or just bottom-shelf? I ordered a cognac at the rehearsal dinner and watched the waiter add it to the tab. Aha! Pasta bar, chinese food bar, japanese food bar, mexican food bar . . . can the chefs really be that diverse, that talented? No. I terrorized one dessert station after all the guests left the party. I took a silver spoon and fed myself right out of the sundae bar, stuffed my face with cookies and stuffed some more into my purse. It was like Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory all to myself. But that's a lot of food (read: money) wasted. I was stuffed way before I made it to the mini-tarts and truffles and I mean it -- I was the ONLY one there. And if get away from the food and booze long enough to check out the flowers or the table settings, what do you see? Tall vases with flowers floating in water, spot-lighted by gel-covered bulbs, lots of silverware and glassware, and party favors. Anyhow, I'll need a separate post to cover everything.

4. I wanted to learn how to cook and started buying herbs, like thyme.

4a. I bought a pink binder and labeled it, "Planning the Wedding of the Century." Wedding of the Century? A PINK BINDER? This is what I'm saying -- weird things started happening!

5. I daydreamed about having a pet.

6. I started smoking again, but my hacking cough and perma-sore-throat came back, so I quit again. Kind of.

7. Flirting started to feel "wrong," in the punishment-by-divorce kind of way.

8. I flash my ring or hide it depending on who I'm around. Not men, but sales people or my yoga teacher. A friend with a huge ring said she doesn't wear it all the time because she'd rather be Pretty Woman pre-Edward Lewis -- you know, see the shopgirl's true colors, if you're picking up what I'm throwing down.

9. Other things I can't think of right now. I still didn't call Insitu. My brain is clearly fried.

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